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- /******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Project Name: DropShell
- ** File Name: DropShell.c
- **
- ** Description: Main application code for the QuickShell
- **
- *******************************************************************************
- ** A U T H O R I D E N T I T Y
- *******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Initials Name
- ** -------- -----------------------------------------------
- ** LDR Leonard Rosenthol
- ** MTC Marshall Clow
- ** SCS Stephan Somogyi
- **
- *******************************************************************************
- ** R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y
- *******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Date Author Description
- ** --------- ------ ---------------------------------------------
- ** 23 Jun 94 LDR Implemented support for disk insertion events
- ** 02 Feb 94 LDR Updated for Final SDK & CodeWarrior a2
- ** Removed the ResumeProc as per new Apple recommendations
- ** 11 Dec 93 SCS Universal Headers/UPPs (Phoenix 68k/PPC & PPCC)
- ** Skipped System 6 compatible rev of DropShell source
- ** 09 Dec 91 LDR Added support for new "Select File…" menu item
- ** Quit now sends AEVT to self to be politically correct
- ** Added support for the new gSplashScreen
- ** 24 Nov 91 LDR Added support for the Apple Menu (duh!)
- ** 29 Oct 91 SCS Changes for THINK C 5
- ** 28 Oct 91 LDR Officially renamed DropShell (from QuickShell)
- ** Added a bunch of comments for clarification
- ** 06 Oct 91 MTC Converted to MPW C
- ** 09 Apr 91 LDR Added to Projector
- **
- ******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __MWERKS__
- #include <Desk.h>
- #include <Dialogs.h>
- #include <Errors.h>
- #include <Files.h>
- #include <Fonts.h>
- #include <Memory.h>
- #include <Menus.h>
- #include <StandardFile.h>
- #include <TextEdit.h>
- #include <Types.h>
- #include <Windows.h>
- #endif
- #include "DSGlobals.h"
- #include "DSUserProcs.h"
- #include "DSAppleEvents.h"
- #include "DropShell.h"
- Boolean gDone, gOApped, gHasAppleEvents, gWasEvent;
- EventRecord gEvent;
- MenuHandle gAppleMenu, gFileMenu;
- WindowPtr gSplashScreen;
- #ifdef MPW
- extern void _DataInit();
- #endif
- #pragma segment Initialize
- void InitToolbox (void)
- {
- #ifdef MPW
- UnloadSeg ((Ptr) _DataInit );
- #endif
- InitGraf ( &qd.thePort );
- InitFonts ();
- InitWindows ();
- InitMenus ();
- TEInit ();
- InitDialogs (NULL); // use of ResumeProcs no longer approved by Apple
- InitCursor ();
- FlushEvents ( everyEvent, 0 );
- // how about some memory fun! Two should be enough!
- MoreMasters ();
- MoreMasters ();
- }
- /*
- Let's setup those global variables that the DropShell uses.
- If you add any globals for your own use,
- init them in the InitUserGlobals routine in DSUserProcs.c
- */
- #pragma segment Initialize
- Boolean InitGlobals (void)
- {
- long aLong;
- gDone = false;
- gOApped = false; // probably not since users are supposed to DROP things!
- gHasAppleEvents = Gestalt ( gestaltAppleEventsAttr, &aLong ) == noErr;
- gSplashScreen = NULL;
- return(InitUserGlobals()); // call the user proc
- }
- /*
- Again, nothing fancy. Just setting up the menus.
- If you add any menus to your DropBox - insert them here!
- */
- #pragma segment Initialize
- void SetUpMenus (void) {
- gAppleMenu = GetMenu ( kAppleNum );
- AddResMenu ( gAppleMenu, 'DRVR' );
- InsertMenu ( gAppleMenu, 0 );
- gFileMenu = GetMenu ( kFileNum );
- InsertMenu ( gFileMenu, 0 );
- DrawMenuBar ();
- }
- /*
- This routine is called during startup to display a splash screen.
- This was recommend by the Blue Team HI person, John Sullivan, who
- feels that all apps should display something so that users can easily
- tell what is running, and be able to switch by clicking. Thanks John!
- */
- #pragma segment Initialize
- void InstallSplashScreen(void)
- {
- #define windowPicID 128
- PicHandle picH;
- if (!gSplashScreen) { // show the splash screen window
- picH = GetPicture(windowPicID);
- if (picH) {
- gSplashScreen = GetNewWindow(windowPicID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1L);
- if (gSplashScreen) {
- SetWindowPic(gSplashScreen, picH);
- // Don't show it here, since we only want to it for oapp launches!
- // ShowWindow(gSplashScreen);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* --------------- Standard Event Handling routines ---------------------- */
- #pragma segment Main
- void ShowAbout () {
- (void) Alert ( 128, NULL );
- }
- #pragma segment Main
- void DoMenu ( long retVal ) {
- short menuID, itemID;
- Str255 itemStr;
- menuID = HiWord ( retVal );
- itemID = LoWord ( retVal );
- switch ( menuID ) {
- case kAppleNum:
- if ( itemID == 1 )
- ShowAbout (); /* Show the about box */
- else
- {
- GetItem(GetMHandle(kAppleNum), itemID, itemStr);
- OpenDeskAcc(itemStr);
- }
- break;
- case kFileNum:
- if ( itemID == 1 )
- SelectFile(); // call file selection userProc
- else
- SendQuitToSelf(); // send self a 'quit' event
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- HiliteMenu(0); // turn it off!
- }
- #pragma segment Main
- void DoMouseDown ( EventRecord *curEvent ) {
- WindowPtr whichWindow;
- short whichPart;
- whichPart = FindWindow ( curEvent->where, &whichWindow );
- switch ( whichPart ) {
- case inMenuBar:
- DoMenu ( MenuSelect ( curEvent->where ));
- break;
- case inSysWindow:
- SystemClick ( curEvent, whichWindow );
- break;
- case inDrag:
- {
- Rect boundsRect = (*GetGrayRgn())->rgnBBox;
- DragWindow ( whichWindow, curEvent->where, &boundsRect );
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- #pragma segment Main
- void DoKeyDown ( EventRecord *curEvent ) {
- if ( curEvent->modifiers & cmdKey )
- DoMenu ( MenuKey ((char) curEvent->message & charCodeMask ));
- }
- #pragma segment Main
- void main ( )
- {
- InitToolbox ();
- if ( InitGlobals () ) { // if we succeeding in initting self
- if ( !gHasAppleEvents )
- ErrorAlert ( kErrStringID, kCantRunErr, 0 );
- else {
- InitAEVTStuff ();
- SetUpMenus ();
- InstallSplashScreen ();
- while ( !gDone ) {
- gWasEvent = WaitNextEvent ( everyEvent, &gEvent, 0, NULL );
- if ( gWasEvent ) {
- switch ( gEvent.what ) {
- case kHighLevelEvent:
- DoHighLevelEvent ( &gEvent );
- break;
- case mouseDown:
- DoMouseDown ( &gEvent );
- break;
- case keyDown:
- case autoKey:
- DoKeyDown ( &gEvent );
- break;
- case diskEvt:
- if (HiWord(gEvent.message)) {
- Point diskInitPt;
- diskInitPt.v = diskInitPt.h = 100;
- DILoad();
- DIBadMount(diskInitPt, gEvent.message);
- DIUnload();
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- DisposeUserGlobals(); // call the userproc to clean itself up
- }
- }